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Showing posts from 2010

Gaming with the Nieces

Most little girls are into the usual things. Candy, dolls, coloring, etc. My nieces Nakiah (6) and Ava (3) are no exception, but surprisingly, more than anything else, they share an interest in what is easily my favorite hobby, video gaming. My sister had already told me the girls were into video games but I never knew just how much until I had actually sat down and watched them play. I mean, the two of them are still very girly to be sure, but of all the things for them to take a liking to, gaming is the last thing I'd expect. My brother-in-law Charles is a gamer himself so that probably has something to do with it. At the same time, not every child is into what their parents are into, so it still amazes me that they dig the vid games. Nakiah, is usually pretty quick to pick up on how a particular game works. If she loses a few lives, she may ask for help. Ava will immediately ask for help if she has trouble. I feel kinda bad for helping because I want them to be able to do things...

Back Blogged: The Road to Virginia Beach

Let me get the bad out of the way first. The trip to Virginia Beach was LONG. Even though we left a little bit before 10PM, we didn't arrive until sometime after 1PM. The funny thing is that my dad actually told me that we made good progress by departing at the time we did. By leaving during the night hours, far less people were on the road. Of course we still weren't spared the curse of idiot drivers. Some crazy lady merging on the highway nearly ran my dad and I off the road. The trip also took a lot out of us physically. I'm not used to getting sleepy at 12 and 1AM, so you can imagine my surprise when my eyes get heavy and the rest of my body starts shutting down quicker than what I'm used to. I was also disoriented for the rest of the week, constantly forgetting what day it was. I ended up taking a few naps during the week to get my energy back, which is rare for me. Now for the good. The sights were awesome. Virginia is loaded with wall-to-wall mountains that seem ...

Back Blogged: Visiting Old Friends

Before we left for Virginia Beach, we attended the Christmas service at New Life Worship Center, a place that has for years, been a second home to me. Most of the people there have known me since I was in Huggies so it's kinda hard to believe it's been nearly four years since I saw any of them. We were surprised to find out that only a handful of people knew we would be coming. I mean, old friends coming to visit, you think that kind of thing wouldn't really stay a secret. We weren't expecting it to be, anyway. In a way, most people not knowing we were coming made it that much more enjoyable. I don't think I've ever gotten so many hugs in my life. We were greeted with smiles, laughter, and love. I always draw strength from the people at New Life and the visit there was no exception. It was like no time at all had passed since we'd last saw everyone. As I said before, the people at New Life are like family to me and they always will be.

Back Blogged: Last Day at Work

Ah, the last day at work. The final hurah. If you despise your job with a passion, you're only more than happy to walk out that door and never look back. I guess that's the voice of experience because I once worked a job that I loathed for years, despite the good pay. Or it could just be the voice of common sense. But I digress. December 17th, 2010 was my last day working at Boulevard Haus. I was only there for nearly 10 months but my time spent was memorable, thanks in large part to the people I worked with, many that I knew from my previous job at a place called Cena. Of course the new faces were just as awesome as the old ones. Like any job, there are times were you just don't feel like going in to make the bread, but even when I felt that way, working at Boulevard Haus was still a good time for me, even when I was bored out of my skull or slammed with so much to do. Liking what you do for a living is very important to me so I'm glad I'm able to say that I very m...

Not "Goodbye." More Like "See You Next Time!"

Due to the move taking place in a matter of days, this is the last night I'll have internet connection. So this will be the last time I blog in Dayton, Ohio. The boxes are piled up and my one bedroom apartment of five and half years is looking pretty bare. It may not have been the most pretty-looking place but it was home to me and the neighborhood was really nice. Lots a good times were had in this place. Of course there were bad times too but mostly good, I'm happy to say. For my very first place, I think I did pretty well. It isn't easy to say goodbye. I've had several people I've known over the years move and they'd had to say the word. Now it's my turn to say goodbye but I'm not gonna say it. I'll be keeping in touch with my friends via Facebook and I plan on coming back to visit when I get the chance. So instead of saying goodbye, because it really isn't, I'll say something else. Until we meet again, in the words of an immortal plumber....

The People I've Known in Ohio

The way things are going, I figure I have a few more weeks here in Ohio before I move to Virgina Beach for a new beginning. I've done a lot of thinking about the way my life has been over the years that I've lived here. I remember a lot of experiences but what I remember most is the people I've met. Many of the people I've encountered have said they either dislike Ohio or hate it outright. Those that say that are perfectly within their right of free speech to say so. More often than not, the reason for not liking life in the Buckeye state is "There isn't anything to do." At least, that was the one I'd always heard. I never really understood that. Maybe it's because I'm one of those weird, old fashioned types that's fine with having things be super simple in his life. As much as I want to visit New York City someday, I'm perfectly fine living a "boring" life as I've got nice folks to share my life with. The people you let i...

Life Changes

I've lived in Ohio all my life. Although I was born in the city of Cleveland, I'd always considered Dayton to be my true home and I thought I'd spend the rest of my life here. Funny how life throws you all sorts of curve balls and things don't turn out the way you'd expect. In about a month or so, I'll be moving to Virginia Beach to start a whole new life. My father, sister, brother-in-law, two nieces and nephew live down there, so family is my primary reason for moving. My second niece Ava is 3 and I've never seen her in person, the same goes for my 6 month old nephew, Samuel. Sure, seeing pictures of them is nice, but I'd take seeing them in person any day, the same goes for my dad, sister, and brother-in- law. The move does have me pretty nervous. Have to find a new place to live, get a new job, familiarize myself with a whole new city. I was scared about moving out on my own 5 and half years ago, but I knew it was something that I had to do. It was a...

What NOT to Do When Writing a Comic

As much flack as Joe Quesada has been given over his involvement with Spider-Man over the last few years (all of it deserved), those of you looking to break into the comic writing business and aspiring writers should actually be thankful. Why? Well in creating the atrocities that are One More Day and OMIT, he's show us that just because you can do something in fiction doesn't necessarily mean that you should. Through his awful writing and bad characterization, he's given us a prime example of things to avoid when looking to create a good story. Despite knowing full well that a good chunk of the fan base loved and supported Spider-Man's marriage to Mary Jane, he went ahead and dissolved it because it bugged him that much. He thinks Peter is more interesting as a swinging solo. Or that he's more interesting with Carly Cooper, who's first name just happens to be named after his own offspring. Now again, I'll say I don't hate Carlie, but she was forced upon ...

OMIT Part 4 Reactions

This may very well be the worst part of OMIT, much like part 4 of OMD was the worst of it's four parts. It wreaks of author avatar by having Joe Q be the talking point through MJ, basically telling us that like the Spider-Marriage to move on. Move on? Like Joe Q did? And we're supposed to believe Carlie is the one for Peter? Don't make me laugh. I have nothing against the character. In fact, she's probably the only character in this whole BND era that I don't dislike. But in all her appearances, has she ever really been fleshed out? She seems about as interesting as brick (no pun intended). I dug Pete/MJ because they were opposites and opposites can and do attract. How are readers ever going to buy Peter being in a meaningful relationship that he'll stay in when the current man in charge has made it clear he doesn't want Peter married. Whatever relationship Peter will have in the future is already doomed to failure so why should I even care? And boy howdy, h...

OMIT Part 3 Reactions

This should have been up last week but I was too lazy to get around to posting. That and I actually find myself tiring of talking about this mess. I said a good while back that I'd lay off of the new era Spidey bashing but now that I find myself returning to it with OMIT, I feel worn out. But, I didn't thing I'd be fair to stop in the middle so the show goes on. The doctor has a talk with Peter about how aunt May's live was saved. The doc's answer? In his own words "love" is what saved aunt May. Love. ........... ............................. ................................... Now let me say that I am a firm believer in miracles but the doctor actually saying that love saved a dying women out loud is so unbelievably bad that it HURTS! Heck, even having it written in a comic book is awful. Really, Quesada, this was the best you could do? Peter's love saved his aunt? This story was already wallowing in it's own suck with parts 1 and 2 but this argua...

OMIT Part 2 Reactions

We've finally been "graced" with part two of OMIT after a two week delay. I'll get straight to the point. The Good : We're actually treated to a touching moment where Mary Jane regrets telling Peter to give up being Spider-Man as it would be akin to having him give up part of who he is. It's probably the only good things about the issue that comes from Quesada. Also good is Paolo Rivera's art. Again, this is one seriously talented artists and it pains me that he's been shafted with a story that just wreaks of anus. Someone please get this man on a good book. The Bad : Boy howdy, is there bad. And while it may not be as bad as Satanic pigeons, evil bricks and falling fatsos, it will having you going for the aspirin. Lots and lots of aspirin. The reason MJ wanted to get married? Kids! She wants to have kids! But because Peter being Spidey is similar to her abusive father with a shot gun (MJ's words), she doesn't think Peter and her will ever be a...

OMIT Part 1 Reactions

22 years ago, Peter Parker married Mary Jane Watson in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21. Many fans rejoiced. But not everyone was filled with glee. A man by the name of Joe Quesada thought that Spider-Man had fallen off track when he had gotten married and therefore, was not a character fans could relate to anymore. Even before Joe became the editor in chief of Marvel Comics, he had made known his disdain for the Spider-Marriage. In 2007, Joey Q had finally set out to end what kept him awake at night (I'm not making this up, he seriously lost sleep due to the marriage of fictional characters) and ended Peter and MJ's wedding in the four part story called One More Day. OMD is widely regarded as one of the worst Spider-Man stories ever printed, if not the worst. Calling it an abomination sin would be a grave understatement. What's worse is that OMD led into Brand New Day and while there are fans that say BND is the best Spidey has been in years, you've also got fans that v...

My First JLA TPB

I've been out of comics for a good while now. Its been months since I picked up an issue of Sonic the Hedgehog, Tiny Titans or Ultimate Comics Spider-Man. Money is still kinda tight and gaming has always been my first hobby love and given my declining interest in 32 page tales, it wasn't too difficult to cut back. However, I do still maintain a draw to comic books and getting discounts on trade paper backs does make it a bit more enticing to buy them in one of my favorite forms. I had a craving for a Batman and Superman trade and there was so much of both too choose from. Then I spotted a few JLA books and realized that outside of the Death of Superman JLA tie-in issue, I hardly read any JLA stories. This is actually sorta surprising since Justice League/Justice League Unlimited is one of my all-time favorite cartoons. After much hesitation, I picked up JLA: The Greatest Stories Ever Told, which compiles various JLA stories from the silver age to the modern age. Having read thr...

Dragon Ball Kai Coming to America

Dragon Ball Kai, which is a more true to the manga adaption of the anime (leaving out much of the filler in the original run of DBZ) began airing in Japan sometime in 2009. Funimation now has the rights to Kai and is bringing it state side under the label Dragon Ball Z Kai. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I so knew this was gonna happen and it is the primary reason I refuse to buy the Dragon Box DVD sets. If I want to watch the more extended filler anime of DBZ, I have no problem sticking with Funi's remastered orange boxes.  As for Kai, I've watched some subtitled episodes and it's pretty good stuff. Funimation is not only redubbing the Z Kai, they also intended to use the original Japanese score for Kai, which, in my humble opinion, blows the original BGM for the Japanese version of Z out of the water. The first part of season one contains 13 episodes and it will be available on both DVD and Blu-Ray. The first set is due out on May 18th so if you've got some...

Spectacular Spider-Man No More

26 episodes. Two seasons. The Spectacular Spider-Man, the best animated version of Spider-Man has officially been canceled. I'd actually read the news on this last week and like many of you, I was angry and disappointed. This show was Batman: The Animated Series for Spider-Man fans. It was just that good and could have easily gone up to 65 episodes or more like series producer Greg Weisman had planned.  "But, Reg, we're getting an Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon in 2011!" And because said cartoon is coming, this means the death of Spectacular. Why create another Spidey show so soon when they already had a the best Spidey show ever and an amazing crew handling said show? Does not compute. At any rate, I'd love for Spectacular to be continued somehow. If not in animation, perhaps in comic form. I'd love for Marvel to just give Greg a comic to let him continue his work but, but it doesn't seem likely. Speaking of Greg, he really seems to be a "take it on the...


So Joe Q and company are finally gonna get around to telling us "what really happened" as to why Peter and Mary Jane never did wed. Originally ASM #600 was supposed to explain things but for whatever reason, things were delayed. Quesada is once again taking charge of the writing duties. Anyone remember what happened the last time this man got involved with a Spidey story? Of course you do.  Personally, my hopes are not pinned on a reasonable explanation and they haven't been for the last two plus years. One More Day was without question one of the worst Spider-Man stories ever created and with One Moment in Time, it's being revisited. If Joe Q couldn't come up with a good way to split them apart, why on Earth should we expect him to come up with a plausible story telling us just why they didn't tie the knot? I think Joey is a decent artist (I prefer his earlier work) but he should leave the writing duties to others.


So I finally spotted a copy of Animal House on DVD last Friday for $8. I'd been wanting to check out this film for sometime after hearing a lot of good things about it. At first I thought it was made in the '80s, but no, the film actually came out in 1978, making it more than thirty years old. Animal House tells the story of a rag-tag frat group called the Deltas, the worst frat on the whole campus. The Deltas are on their last legs. One more screw up and they are history. As with most college films, I was expecting this one to try to teach me something, to instill some kinda knowledge into my mind. You know, maybe give me some kinda moral to walk away with. This is one of the few movies that did none of those things. In fact, it doesn't even trying to. If Animal House has some sort of message that I could get from it, that message would be that you have to stop and laugh yourself silly every now and then because the movie made me do just that.

Latest DVD Buys

I'm not the biggest fan of fye, but they occasionally mange to have some pretty good deals doing on. Case in point, the two DVDs I bought home from them this week - Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time, and Animaniacs Vol. 3. It astounds me how foolish Disney continues to be with it's properties. Kim Possible, one of the greatest western shows ever, and one of the best things that has ever had the Disney name attached to it, STILL has no season DVD sets in America. If you want your Kim fix, you either have to watch Toon Disney (or whatever the channel is called these days) or watch the episodes on YouTube. To this day, only a handful of episodes and both movies, the aforementioned Sitch in Time, and So the Drama are on DVD in the west. Regardless, it's nice to finally own A Sitch in Time. I'm hoping to get So the Drama as well. For now, I'm not holding my breath for season DVD sets. Animanicas was a bit of a successor to Tiny Toon Adventures. I always liked Tiny Toons bett...

Groundhog Day!

I care nothing for the holiday itself. They pull a giant rat out of a hole, and it matters not if he sees his shadow, winter will still continue for another 6 weeks. Now Hedgehog day, I can get behind. But I digress. I'm talking about the 1993 blockbuster comedy hit, Groundhog Day, staring Bill Murray.  If you've just come out of a bomb shelter or woke up from a coma, Groundhog Day tells the tale of a jerkish weather man named Phil Connors who finds himself trapped in a time loop, which just happens to fall on February 2, which is, you guessed it, Groundhog Day. Phil is the only one ware of the time loop so he uses it to do all kinds of things like sleep with hot women, start police chases, and steal money. He just decides to wrongfully take advantage of it because it doesn't matter what he does. Each time he wakes up, it's Groundhog Day again. And Again. At first, Phil is thrilled by the reoccurring events but the ride is short lived as he slips into despair. He search...