In the letter page of Amazing Spider-Man #565, Spidey editor Steve Wacker filled the page with nothing but negative letters from readers that hate Brand New Day. Who says Marvel doesn't listen to the fans? And what's more, Mr. Wacker has even asked us to write in and tell them how we feel. Can you believe that? It takes class to run nothing but angry letters and a couple of those to the right are pretty nasty. My mother actually suggested I write to the editor and state my feelings on the molestation of Spider-Man in ASM. I'd been meaning to write them, but I just never sat down to do so. With the editor of the Spidey books kindly saying that the letter's page is "the place to vent," I think the time has finally come for me to express myself. I don't know if it will get printed since I've stopped reading ASM, but if they take my letter and many others that are outraged by BND to heart, then that's all that matters. Dear ASM Staff, Do you know what ...
The stories now are no longer simple rehashes and Spider-Man can fight super villains, so a major part of your disgust by the start of BND is cut away.
Why don't you read the new issues and state your opinion on them? Cause it isn't the marriage that makes the stories all groovy, "Howard Mackie" wrote much more disgusting stories with a married or a Single Spider-Man so this makes you only care about the marriage.
I'm actually glad he & MJ broke up, she's hot and all but I don't want to marry someone like her loving to party and act in romantic scenes
One More Day left a very black mark on Spidey's character and logic, and then seeing everyone act like an immature jerk makes me feel like I'm reading about another guy.
I haven't read every single OMD issue, but I've read and own several, and that's what I've seen.
As for MJ partying, I could see where the concern would lie, although the party-girl thing was an outward persona that she put on when hurting from either her broken family or perhaps when she's trying not to think about what danger Pete is in.
I do wonder what ever came of potential romantic/nude scenes though, since the topic did come up back in the Revenge of the Sinister Six storyline in the early 90's, but the gist of it was, Pete wasn't keen on it, and MJ decided they weren't doing if it was just to be eye-candy with no merit towards such scenes.
Since MJ is usually in B-movies, I'm doubting anything major involving a nude scene has ever come up. never know.