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Lego Architecture

Legos were always my favorite toy when I was a kid. Building and playing with them were some of the best times of my childhood. Even as an adult they still interest me. I've been wanting to purchase some newer Legos to build and put on display for some time now but I haven't had the cash until recently. A newer set caught my eye, the Lego Architecture series.

Lego Architecture is more geared towards adults than children. These stylish sets are based off real word locals and even come with building prints that the actual buildings were based off of. Pretty nice bonus feature if you ask me. I don't know a lot about architecture, but I'm still very intrigued by this Lego series. There are sets for the Rockefeller Center, the White House, Willis Tower, the John Hancock Center and others. I probably won't buy every set, just the ones that really catch my fancy. As it is, these Legos are the ones I'm craving the most now.


snowboardgamer said…
those are really cool...i used to spend weeks building thing with lego as a kid

Ill have to keep my eyes out for some of the real building ones
You may want to shop for them online. Buying them in stores can be pricey from what I've seen. At least at Barns & Nobles.

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